本文依据是2015年9月的3GPP规范TS24.301 v13.3。还是非常新哦。
先来看看规范里,对附着请求(attach request)消息的定义:
Information Element |
Type/Reference |
Presence |
Format |
Length |
Protocol discriminator |
Protocol discriminator 9.2 |
M |
V |
1/2 |
Security header type |
Security header type 9.3.1 |
M |
V |
1/2 |
Attach request message identity |
Message type 9.8 |
M |
V |
1 |
EPS attach type |
EPS attach type |
M |
V |
1/2 |
NAS key set identifier |
NAS key set identifier |
M |
V |
1/2 |
EPS mobile identity |
EPS mobile identity |
M |
LV |
5-12 |
UE network capability |
UE network capability |
M |
LV |
3-14 |
ESM message container |
ESM message container |
M |
LV-E |
5-n |
Old P-TMSI signature |
P-TMSI signature |
O |
TV |
4 |
Additional GUTI |
EPS mobile identity |
O |
13 |
Last visited registered TAI |
Tracking area identity |
O |
TV |
6 |
DRX parameter |
DRX parameter |
O |
TV |
3 |
MS network capability |
MS network capability |
O |
4-10 |
Old location area identification |
Location area identification |
O |
TV |
6 |
TMSI status |
TMSI status |
O |
TV |
1 |
Mobile station classmark 2 |
Mobile station classmark 2 |
O |
5 |
Mobile station classmark 3 |
Mobile station classmark 3 |
O |
2-34 |
Supported Codecs |
Supported Codec List |
O |
5-n |
Additional update type |
Additional update type |
O |
TV |
1 |
Voice domain preference and UE's usage setting |
Voice domain preference and UE's usage setting |
O |
3 |
Device properties |
Device properties |
O |
TV |
1 |
Old GUTI type |
GUTI type |
O |
TV |
1 |
MS network feature support |
MS network feature support |
O |
TV |
1 |
TMSI based NRI container |
Network resource identifier container |
O |
4 |
T3324 value |
GPRS timer 2 |
O |
3 |
T3412 extended value |
GPRS timer 3 |
O |
3 |
1)Protocol discriminator:
该信元识别出属于标准层3消息的层3协议。层3协议与Protocol discriminator是一对一的关系。
Protocol discriminator取值如下:
0 0 0 0: group call control
0 0 0 1: broadcast call control
0 0 1 0: EPS session management messages
0 0 1 1: call control; call related SS messages
0 1 0 0: GPRS Transparent Transport Protocol (GTTP)
0 1 0 1: mobility management messages
0 1 1 0: radio resources management messages
0 1 1 1: EPS mobility management messages
1 0 0 0: GPRS mobility management messages
1 0 0 1: SMS messages
1 0 1 0: GPRS session management messages
1 0 1 1: non call related SS messages
1 1 0 0: Location services specified in 3GPP TS 44.071
1 1 1 0: reserved for extension of the PD to one octet length
1 1 1 1: used by tests procedures described in 3GPP TS 44.014, 3GPP TS34.109 and 3GPP TS 36.509.
2) Security header type:
Security header type取值如下:
0 0 0 0: 一般NAS消息,非安全保护
Security protected NAS message:
0 0 0 1: 完整性保护
0 0 1 0: 完整性保护和加密
0 0 1 1: 新的EPS安全上下文的完整性保护(只用于SECURITY MODE COMMAND消息)
0 1 0 0: 新的EPS安全上下文的完整性保护(只用于SECURITY MODE COMPLETE消息)
Non-standard L3 message:
1 1 0 0: SERVICE REQUEST消息的安全头
1 1 0 1 to 1 1 1 1: 该值不用于这个版本的协议。如果收到,则解释为‘1100’。(当比特7和8设置为‘11’,比特5和6可以用于SERVICE REQUEST消息未来扩展)
3)Attach request message identity:
该信元message type来定义。Message type信元及其作用在3GPP TS 24.007定义。
0 1 - - - - - - EPS mobility management messages
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1: Attach request
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0: Attach accept
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1: Attach complete
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0: Attach reject
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1: Detach request
0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0: Detach accept
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0: Tracking area update request
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1: Tracking area update accept
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0: Tracking area update complete
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1: Tracking area update reject
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0: Extended service request
0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0: Service reject
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0: GUTI reallocation command
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1: GUTI reallocation complete
0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0: Authentication request
0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1: Authentication response
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0: Authentication reject
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0: Authentication failure
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1: Identity request
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0: Identity response
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1: Security mode command
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0: Security mode complete
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1: Security mode reject
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0: EMM status
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1: EMM information
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0: Downlink NAS transport
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1: Uplink NAS transport
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0: CS Service notification
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0: Downlink generic NAS transport
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1: Uplink generic NAS transport
The EPS session management protocol can use the following values:
1 1 - - - - - - EPS session management messages
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1: Activate default EPS bearer context request
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0: Activate default EPS bearer context accept
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1: Activate default EPS bearer context reject
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1: Activate dedicated EPS bearer context request
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0: Activate dedicated EPS bearer context accept
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1: Activate dedicated EPS bearer context reject
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1: Modify EPS bearer context request
1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0: Modify EPS bearer context accept
1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1: Modify EPS bearer context reject
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1: Deactivate EPS bearer context request
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0: Deactivate EPS bearer context accept
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0: PDN connectivity request
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1: PDN connectivity reject
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0: PDN disconnect request
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1: PDN disconnect reject
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0: Bearer resource allocation request
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1: Bearer resource allocation reject
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0: Bearer resource modification request
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1: Bearer resource modification reject
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1: ESM information request
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0: ESM information response
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1: Notification
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0: ESM status
4)EPS attach type:
EPS attach
combined EPS/IMSI attach
EPS emergency attach
5)NAS key set identifier:该字段包含两部分内容:
当Bit第4位是“0”,表示“native security context (for KSIASME)”。
当Bit第4位是“1”,表示“mapped security context (for KSISGSN)”。
安全上下文标识(NAS key set identifier)
当Bits前三位分别为“0 0 0~1 1 0”之间的某个值时,表示“possible values for the NAS key set identifier”。
当Bits前三位为“1 1 1”时,表示“no key is available (UE to network)”。
当UE不存在安全上下文时,NAS key set identifier值为“111”。
当UE存在安全上下文时,UE需要携带该NAS key set identifier值,以便MME定位安全上下文,用于进行Attach request消息的完整性检查。
6)EPS mobile identity
234G互操作网络流程中,UE从3G网络回到4G网络时,如果存在MME分配的GUTI,则填写在Additional GUTI字段中。此时,EPS mobile identity字段填写的是从P-TMSI、RAI等映射成的GUTI。
7)UE network capability:
8)ESM message container
Activate dedicated EPS bearer context accept
Activate dedicated EPS bearer context reject
Activate dedicated EPS bearer context request
Activate default EPS bearer context accept
Activate default EPS bearer context reject
Activate default EPS bearer context request
Bearer resource allocation reject
Bearer resource allocation request
Bearer resource modification reject
Bearer resource modification request
Deactivate EPS bearer context accept
Deactivate EPS bearer context request
ESM information request
ESM information response
ESM status
Modify EPS bearer context accept
Modify EPS bearer context reject
Modify EPS bearer context request
PDN connectivity reject
PDN connectivity request
PDN disconnect reject
PDN disconnect request
9)Old P-TMSI signature
10)Additional GUTI
也是前面的6)EPS mobile identity的一种。
234G互操作网络流程中,UE从3G网络回到4G网络时,如果存在MME分配的GUTI,则填写在Additional GUTI字段中。此时,EPS mobile identity字段填写的是从P-TMSI、RAI等映射成的GUTI。
11)Last visited registered TAI
UE最后访问的跟踪区标识。标识UE从哪里来的。通过该信元,当前MME可以查询DNS寻址到Old MME。
12)DRX parameter
非连续接收(Discontinuous Reception)参数。如果UE支持A/Gb模式或者Iu模式,或者UE想向网络指示其特殊的DRX参数,则携带该信元。
13)MS network capability
MS网络能力。如果UE支持A/Gb模式或者Iu模式,需要携带该信元,向网络指示其能力。用于给网络侧提供MS的GPRS相关信息。详细的信元解释请参见3GPP TS 24.008 V9.4.0中10.5.5.12章节。
14)Old location area identification
15)TMSI status
16)Mobile station classmark 2
如果UE支持SRVCC to GERAN or UTRAN,或者如果UE正在执行一个联合附着流程,则需要携带该信元。用于除指示移动终端的高优先级信息外,还指示了低优先级信息。Classmark2由移动终端送来的CM业务请求消息中带上,3G位置更新请求中也会带上Classmark2。
revision-level:Revision level
es-IND:Controlled Early Classmark Sending
a5or1:A5/1 algorithm supported
rf-power-capability:RF Power Capability
pS-capa:PS (pseudo-synchronization) capability
sS-Screen-Indicator:Supplement Service Screening Indicator、补充业务能力指示
sM-ca-pabi:SM capability (MT SMS pt to pt capability)、短消息能力
vBS:VBS (voice-broadcast-service) notification reception、语音广播业务
vGCS:VGCS (voice-group-call-service) notification reception、语音组呼叫业务
fC:FC Frequency Capability
lCSVA-CAP:LCS (location-service) VA (value added) capability、定位能力
uCS2:UCS2 (universal-character-set-2) treatment、ucs2字符支持能力
cMSP:CM Service Prompt:CCBS业务
a5or3:A5/3 algorithm supported
a5or2:A5/2 algorithm supported
17)Mobile station classmark 3
如果UE支持SRVCC to GERAN or UTRAN,则需要携带该信元。
详细的信元解释请参见3GPP TS 24.008 V9.4.0中10.5.1.7章节。
18)Supported Codecs:
支持的编解码。如果UE支持SRVCC to GERAN or UTRAN,则需要携带该信元用于指示支持的CS语音编码。UE所支持的语音编码在eSRVCC切换时通过Sv接口由MME发送给MSC-S,方便CS域做编解码协商。
19)Additional update type:
Additional update type value:
0: 无附加信息,解释为联合附着请求或者联合TAU流程。
1: SMS only.
20)Voice domain preference and UE's usage setting:
如果UE支持CS fallback、SMS over SGs和IMS Voice,则携带该信元。
- UE不支持IMS 语音时,Voice domain preference for E-UTRAN 为“CS Voice only”。
- UE只支持IMS 语音时,Voice domain preference for E-UTRAN 为“IMS PS Voice only”。
21)Device properties:
0 |
MS is not configured for NAS signalling low priority |
1 |
MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority |
22)Old GUTI Type
当UE附着请求身份标识里携带的是Old GUTI(而不是携带的IMSI),则该信元可标识Old GUTI的类型是Native GUTI(即纯4G用户),还是Mapped GUTI(即234G互操作用户,映射而来的GUTI),核心网可以据此判断要去找old MME还是old SGSN。
23)MS network feature support
MS network feature support IEI |
0 Spare |
0 Spare |
0 Spare |
extended periodic timers |
Extended periodic timers (octet 1) |
Bit |
1 |
0 |
MS does not support the extended periodic timer in this domain |
1 |
MS supports the extended periodic timer in this domain |
The relevant extended periodic timer is T3212 for MM messages, T3312 for GMM messages, and T3412 for EMM messages. 取值为0代表不支持T3212/T3412,取值为1代表支持。 |
24)TMSI based NRI container
由参数“Network resource identifier container”来定义。该参数提供了分配的TMSI的一部分,用于决定实际的NRI。
UE's usage setting
当Bit第3位是“0”,表示“Voice centric”。
当Bit第3位是“1”,表示“Data centric”。
Voice domain preference for E-UTRAN
当Bits前两位分别为“0 0”,表示“CS Voice only”。
当Bits前两位分别为“0 1”,表示“IMS PS Voice only”。
当Bits前两位分别为“1 0”,表示“CS voice preferred, IMS PS Voice as secondary”。
当Bits前两位分别为“1 1”,表示“IMS PS voice preferred, CS Voice as secondary”。
25)T3324 value
由“GPRS Timer2”参数定义。用于指明某个GPRS特定参数的值。T3324用于终端“PSM(Power Saving Mode:电源省电模式)”的场景。
26)T3412 extended value
由“GPRS Timer3”参数定义。用于指明某个GPRS特定参数的值。当UE在附着请求中携带了T3324请求使用PSM并且UE在“MS Network Feature Support”信息元素中声明支持扩展周期性计时器(extended periodic timer),则UE可以携带本信元请求分配一个特定的T3412值。

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