根据规范GSMA GRX骨干网互联IR3470的介绍,对GRX的定义如下: “2.2节 The GRX Network was first established in 2000 for the purpose of Mobile GPRS roaming and only MNO(Mobile Network Operator)s were allowed to connect to it. Since then, other services have been added such as UMTS roaming, MMS interworking and WLAN (authentication) data roaming. The GRX provides connectivity based upon best effort between GSM and 3G Mobile Network Operators (end-to-end) whenever bilaterally agreed between those Operators. It includes the agreement of the IP Backbone Provider to carry diagnostic protocols, for example ICMP (Ping).” 解释:GRX本身是一个运营商。为移动网络运营商提供GPRS国际漫游服务并为这些移动网络运营商提供了网络互联服务(BGP协议)的,2000年开始就有了。但到现在为止,在这张国际漫游网上,又叠加了一些其他业务的国际漫游服务。例如3G的漫游、彩信的互操作及漫游以及WLAN的数据漫游业务等。