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[2/3G无线接入网] GPRS.in.Practice.A.Companion.to.the.Specifications [复制链接]

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Preface xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The purpose of GPRS 1
1.2 So why GPRS? 1
1.3 Internet communication 3
1.4 Current Internet protocol – static addresses 5
1.5 Current Internet protocol – dynamic addresses 5
1.6 GPRS Internet addresses 5
1.7 Portable IP 7
1.8 The GPRS sub-network 10
1.9 Abbreviations used in this chapter 13
2 Radio Channels, Physical Channels and Logical Channels – the
GSM/GPRS Air Interface 15
2.1 The radio channels (GSM 45.001) 15
2.2 Physical channels (GSM 45.001) 17
2.2.1 The characteristics of the GSM/GPRS physical channels
(GSM 45.001) 19
2.3 Logical channels (GSM 45.001, 45.002, 43.064) 20
2.3.1 GSM logical channels 20
2.3.2 GPRS channels which are used with or without a PBCCH 22
2.3.3 GPRS logical channels which are used only in conjunction
with PBCCH 22
2.3.4 GPRS logical channels which are used in the absence
of a PBCCH 23
2.4 The BCCH radio carrier 24
2.5 The PBCCH 25
2.6 Abbreviations used in this chapter 25
3 Air Interface Frame and Multiframe Structures (GSM 45.002, 43.064) 27
3.1 The basic frame 29
3.2 The GPRS 52-frame multiframe and logical channel structures 30
3.3 The 52-frame multiframe uplink PRACH channel
(GSM 45.002, 43.064) 34
3.4 The GSM 51-frame multiframe logical channel structures
(non-combined configuration) 37
3.5 The GSM 51-frame multiframe and logical channel
(combined configuration) 40
3.6 The GPRS 51-frame multiframe logical channel structures
(GSM 45.002, 43.064) 40
3.7 Using the 51- and 52-frame logical channels 40
3.8 Abbreviations used in this chapter 45
4 The TBF and the MAC Layer (GSM 44.060, sections 5, 7, 8) 47
4.1 What is a TBF? An introduction to the temporary block flow 47
4.1.1 The radio link control/medium access control
(RLC/MAC) block 47
4.1.2 Introduction to the MAC function (GSSM 44.060
sections 5, 7, 8) 51
4.1.3 Combining the components of a TBF into a complete TBF 52
4.1.4 TBF arrow diagrams (GSM 44.060 sections 5, 7, 8, 9) 55
4.2 The MAC layer in action 58
4.2.1 Introduction: GPRS attach 58
4.3 ‘Attach’ MAC procedures (ETSI 123.060 section 6) 59
4.4 Packet data transfer – PDP context activation (ESTI 123.060
section 9) 65
4.5 GPRS sub-network originated TBFs 71
4.6 Alerting the mobile station for a DL TBF 75
4.7 Abbreviations used in this chapter 77
5 An Introduction to Protocol Layers Data Flow (ETSI 123.060) 79
5.1 The protocol stack 79
5.1.1 GPRS protocol layers – a brief description 82
5.2 GPRS signal flow – arrow diagrams (GSM 44.060 sections 5, 7, 8) 93
5.2.1 GPRS attach 93
5.2.2 Mobile originated PDP context activation and TBF
(ETSI 123.060 section 9) 97
5.2.3 Paging and MT PDP transfer (GSM 44.060 section 6) 100
5.3 Temporary block flow acknowledged 101
5.4 Abbreviations used in this chapter 105
6 GPRS Mobile Station Characteristics (GSM 45.002) 109
6.1 Mobile station types 109
6.2 GPRS mobile equipment (ME) and subscriber profiles
(ETSI 123.060 section 15) 109
6.2.1 Subscriber profile 109
6.3 Mobile equipment multislot capabilities (GSM 45.002 Annexe B) 111
6.4 Abbreviations used in this chapter 119
viii Contents
7 Operations in the Physical Layers 121
7.1 Physical layers 122
7.2 PLMN selection (GSM 43.002 section 3) 122
7.3 Initial cell selection (GSM 43.022 section 4) 124
7.4 GPRS cell reselection when the GPRS sub-network is using
PBCCH (GSM 45.008 section 10) 128
7.4.1 Conditions for GPRS cell reselection 130
7.4.2 GPRS cell reselection parameters (GSM 45.008 section 10) 130
7.4.3 GPRS cell reselection criteria (GSM 45.008 section 10) 134
7.4.4 GPRS cell reselection when the GPRS sub-network is
not using PBCCH (GSM circuit switched cell reselection)
(GSM 45.002 section 6) 138
7.5 Discontinuous reception (DRX) and paging in a cell with PBCCH 143
7.5.1 Determining the PCCCH Group (deciding which physical
channel to use) 144
7.5.2 Determining the paging group (GSM 45.002 section 6) 144
7.5.3 Selection of paging group from PCCCHs 148
7.5.4 Selection of paging group from CCCHs when there
is no PBCCH in a cell 148
7.5.5 Monitoring PCCCHs and CCCHs for paging (the cell
has a PBCCH but no Gs interface) (GSM 45.002
section 6) 154
7.5.6 Network mode of operation (NMO) and paging
(GSM 44.060 section 6) 154
7.6 Neighbour cell measurements 160
7.6.1 Measurements for cell reselection (GSM 45.008 section 6) 162
7.6.2 Extended measurements (GSM 45.008 section 10) 164
7.6.3 Interference measurements 166
7.6.4 Measurement reports 167
7.6.5 NC measurement reporting procedures 167
7.6.6 EM reporting 170
7.6.7 Interference reports 170
7.7 Mobile station transmitter power control (GSM 45.008
section 10) 171
7.8 Timing advance (TA) (GSM 43.064 section 6) 173
7.9 PRACH control parameters 176
7.10 Contention resolution (GSM 43.064 section 6) 182
7.10.1 One-phase access contention resolution 183
7.10.2 Two-phase access contention resolution 185
7.11 Channel encoding (GSM 45.003 and 43.064) 186
7.12 Frequency hopping 190
7.12.1 Rayleigh fading 191
7.12.2 Rician fading 193
7.12.3 Interference spreading 193
7.12.4 Frequency hopping 195
7.13 Abbreviations used in this chapter 207
Contents ix
8 RLC/MAC Layer Procedures (GSM 44.060) 211
8.1 Introduction 212
8.2 RLC procedures 212
8.2.1 Segmenting LLC PDUs into RLC data blocks
(GSM 44.060 section 9) 217
8.3 RLC/MAC block headers and parameters (GSM 44.060
section 10) 220
8.3.1 RLC data block (uplink) parameters 220
8.3.2 RLC/MAC parameters in action 225
8.3.3 RLC control block (downlink) parameters 229
8.4 RLC unacknowledged mode 235
8.5 RLC/MAC timers and counters (GSM 44.060 section 13) 235
8.5.1 Mobile station side RLC/MAC counters and timers 236
8.5.2 Network side RLC/MAC counters and timers 244
8.6 Abbreviations used in this chapter 244
9 LLC Layer Procedures (GSM 44.064) 247
9.1 Function of the LLC layer 248
9.2 LLC frames 252
9.2.1 Types of information/supervisory frame 252
9.2.2 The unacknowledged information frame 254
9.2.3 Types of unnumbered frame 254
9.2.4 Flags and registers used for frame address fields 254
9.2.5 Flags and registers used for control fields 255
9.2.6 Registers used for variable arrays in the LLC 255
9.3 LLC operational parameters 255
9.4 LLC data link flow – ABM establishment 256
9.4.1 Normal (successful) ABM establishment 256
9.4.2 ABM establishment rejection (SAPI¼1) 261
9.4.3 ABM establishment rejection, poor radio reception 261
9.5 Information/supervisory (IS) frame transfer 261
9.5.1 IS frame transfer 262
9.6 Abbreviations used in this chapter 263
10 GMM Layer Procedures (GSM 23.060 section 6 and 44.008
sections 4 & 9) 265
10.1 GMM states (GSM 23.060 section 6) 267
10.2 GMM procedure attach (GSM 23.060 section 6) 269
10.2.1 Attach request primitives 273
10.2.2 Attach accept primitives 274
10.2.3 Attach complete 274
10.3 TLLI construction (GSM 23.060) 275
10.4 Routing area update 275
10.4.1 Normal routing area update 275
10.4.2 Periodic routing area update 279
10.5 Cell update 279
x Contents
10.6 Paging procedures 281
10.7 Authentication and encryption procedures 281
10.8 Identification 286
10.9 Detach 286
10.9.1 Mobile originated detach 286
10.9.2 GPRS sub-network originated detach 287
10.10 GPRS roaming 288
10.11 Abbreviations used in this chapter 289
11 SM Layer Procedures (24.008 section 6) 291
11.1 PDP context activation by the mobile station 295
11.2 PDP context activation by the GPRS sub-network 301
11.3 PDP context modification 301
11.4 PDP context deactivation by the mobile station 302
11.5 PDP context deactivation by the GPRS sub-network 305
11.6 Negotiated QoS profiles and radio priority 305
11.6.1 QoS 305
11.6.2 Radio priority 307
11.7 Abbreviations used in this chapter 308
12 SNDCP Procedures (GSM 44.065) 311
12.1 SNDCP operation overview 313
12.2 Buffering, segmentation and acknowledged mode transmission
of network PDUs 314
12.2.1 SN PDU headers 316
12.3 Acknowledged mode description of operation 317
12.4 Buffering, segmentation and unacknowledged mode
transmission of network PDUs 319
12.4.1 The unacknowledged SN-DATA PDU 319
12.5 Unacknowledged mode description of operation 320
12.6 Management of multiple PDP contexts 322
12.7 Abbreviations used in this chapter 324
Appendix 1: GMSK and EDGE 327
A1.1 MSK 327
A1.2 GMSK 329
A1.3 EDGE – EGPRS 329
A1.4 Abbreviations used in this appendix 331
Appendix 2: System Information and Packet System Information 333
AS=appendix system information
AP=appendix packet system information
A2.1 Key 333
AS.3 SI3 and SI4 messages on BCCH 335
AS.13 SI13 messages on BCCH or extended BCCH 335
AP.1 PSI1 messages on the PBCCH 339
Contents xi
AP.2 PSI2 messages on the PBCCH 342
AP.3 PSI3 messages on the PBCCH 344
AP.3 bis PSI3-bis messages on the PBCCH 347
AP.4 PSI4 messages on the PBCCH and PACCH 347
AP.5 PSI5 messages on the PBCCH 347
AP.13 PSI13 messages on the PACCH 349
A2.2 Abbreviations used in this appendix 349
Appendix 3: Inter-Layer Primitives 351
A3.1 The interface user to mobility management – the
GMMREG-SAP and primitives 351
A3.2 The interface user to SM – SMREG-SAP and primitives 351
A3.3 The interface user to SNDCP – the SN-SAP and primitives 352
A3.4 The interface SNDCP to SM – the SNSM-SAP and primitives 354
A3.5 The interface SNDCP to LLC – the QoS-SAP and primitives 354
A3.6 The interface SM to GMM – GMMSM-SAP and primitives 356
A3.7 The interface GMM to LLC – the LLGMM-SAP and primitives 356
A3.8 The interface GMM to RR (RLC/MAC) – the GMMRR-SAP
and primitives 361
A3.9 The interface LLC to RR (RLC/MAC) – the GRR-SAP and
primitives 363
A3.10 Abbreviations used in this appendix 363
Appendix 4: Mobile Station Uplink Power Control 365
A4.1 Packet idle mode 365
A4.2 Packet transfer mode 367
A4.3 Abbreviations used in this appendix 368
Appendix 5: A Possible Problem with UL TBFs When the Application
Layer is Using TCP/IP 369
A5.1 Abbreviations used in this appendix 371
Recommended Reading 373
Index 375

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