admin 发表于 2012-9-25 20:39 ![]()
这段话是这么理解的: 预置条件: 1)基于3GDT的PDP上下文已经激活。 2)UE开始发送和接收数据,RNC和GGS ...
不好意思,上面的说法有点不正确。文字已经更正。 查了下规范23007,这种场景下RNC发送error indication,并不是RNC的用户面出现了什么问题。而是RNC收到了下行方向GGSN侧的用户数据,但某种原因RNC侧的RAB已经释放了,RNC采取的操作时丢弃该下行数据并发送error indication给GGSN。通过该指示,还可以通知GGSN fallback到非3GDT的环境下。原文如下:“ When the RNC/BSC receives a GTP U PDU for which no RAB context exists, the RNC/BSC shall discard the GTP U PDU and return a GTP error indication to the originating node that may be SGSN or GGSN if Direct Tunnel is established.” 如果是SGSN的话,SGSN也应丢弃该下行PDU并发送error indication通知GGSN。“When the SGSN receives a GTP U PDU from the GGSN for which no PDP context exists, it shall discard the GTP U PDU and send a GTP error indication to the originating GGSN.” GGSN也是一样的。“When the GGSN receives a GTP U PDU for which no PDP context exists, it shall discard the GTP U PDU and return a a GTP error indication to the originating node (the SGSN or, if Direct Tunnel is established, the RNC).” 如果是UE正在发送上行数据的情况下出现了这种事,那GGSN将通知SGSN错误指示,SGSN将因此去激活PDP上下文,MS也要去激活PDP上下文。原文:“When the GGSN receives a tunnel PDU for which no PDP context exists it discards the tunnel PDU and sends an Error indication message to the originating SGSN. The SGSN deactivates the PDP context and sends an Error indication to the MS. The MS may then re-activate the PDP context.” |