看24301-b30中对6.5.3 UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure和 6.5.4 UE requested bearer resource modification procedure应该是针对2中不同场景的流畅
6.5.3 UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure如下:
终端会携带制定的Qos(QCI)并可选择的携带GBR等信息,请求一个新的TFA的承载资源家里过程,属于完全新建的一个过程,最后出发的是网络侧发起的dedicate Bearer流程的新建或者修改。。
The purpose of the UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure is for a UE to request an allocation of bearer resources for a traffic flow aggregate. The UE requests a specific QoS demand (QCI) and optionally sends a GBR requirement for a new traffic flow aggregate. If accepted by the network, this procedure invokes a dedicated EPS bearer context activation procedure (see subclause 6.4.2) or an EPS bearer context modification procedure (see subclause 6.4.3).
If there is a PDN connection for emergency bearer services established, the UE shall not request additional bearer resources for this PDN connection.
终端应该携带Linked EPS barer identity 以及TFT的操作码
The UE shall include the EPS bearer identity of the default EPS bearer associated with the requested bearer resource in the Linked EPS bearer identity IE. The UE shall set the TFT operation code in the Traffic flow aggregate IE to "Create new TFT". In the Required traffic flow QoS IE, the UE shall indicate a QCI and, if the UE also includes a GBR, the additional GBR required for the traffic flow aggregate.
6.5.4 UE requested bearer resource modification procedure如下:
中断请求对已有的某指定TFA承载资源的修改或者释放,或者是替换、增加TFA中的packet filter来实现修改TFA,而对网络侧的影响是承载激活,修改,去激活,比6.5.3多了一个去激活承载
The purpose of the UE requested bearer resource modification procedure is for a UE to request a modification or release of bearer resources for a traffic flow aggregate or modification of a traffic flow aggregate by replacing packet filters or adding packet filters. When requesting a modification of bearer resources for a traffic flow aggregate or a modification of a traffic flow aggregate, the UE can modify the existing GBR. If accepted by the network, this procedure invokes a dedicated EPS bearer context activation procedure (see subclause 6.4.2), an EPS bearer context modification procedure (see subclause 6.4.3), or an EPS bearer context deactivation procedure (see subclause 6.4.4).
If there is a PDN connection for emergency bearer services established, the UE shall not request a modification of bearer resources for this PDN connection.
To request a change of the GBR without changing the packet filter(s),
To request a modification of a traffic flow aggregate,
To request a release of bearer resources
以上2个流程启动的定时器分别是T3480和T3481 |