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中国移动和中国联通的 lac,rac,cell_id,sac是怎么划分的? [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6


发表于 2011-9-5 11:32:14 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
一键分享 一键分享
版主你好,这个问题我 徘徊了好久了,期待有一个权威的回答,而且 很期待!!
问题二、在 创建PDP 的请求消息里, 有个route area identity SECTION,其中lac:65534,rac:255, 这个raiSECTION怎么看?在23060里有“The SGSN may include the Routeing Area Identity (RAI) of the SGSN where the MS is registered. The MCC and MNC components shall be populated with the MCC and MNC, respectively, of the SGSN where the MS is registered. The LAC and RAC components shall be populated by the SGSN with the value of "FFFE" and "FF", respectively. ”
那么这个255的rac 究竟是谁的,是MS “registered”的SGSN 这个SGSN所处在的(当然是这个SGSN自己管里的啦)的rac1(用rac1表示,下同)吗?   
还是: MS 向SGSN  “registered”时,这个MS所在 的 rac2 呢 ,因为这个rac2可以和rac1可以不同的。
还有这个 “registered” 的 意思 是 “first registered” 吗??? 还是  “attach” 的意思 ?

多谢 版主!!!

Rank: 9Rank: 9


发表于 2011-9-5 23:21:38 |只看该作者
  先问下第二个问题。能确认下是23060吗?我看到是V7.1版本。没有发现上述描述啊。而且查了24008,发现MS发出的Activate PDP Context Request消息并没有说要携带RAI啊。连可选部分也没有RAI。可参考TS24.008的Table 9.5.1/3GPP TS 24.008: ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT REQUEST message content。
www.gprshome.com: GPRS及移动通信技术学习交流分享平台。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6


发表于 2011-9-6 09:32:21 |只看该作者
SORRY, SORRY, 那段英文是3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)里面的。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6


发表于 2011-9-6 09:34:08 |只看该作者
还有,我没有说清楚,我说的是 create pdp request, 不是activate pdp request。
多谢 版主的回复

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9


发表于 2011-9-9 00:20:23 |只看该作者
samsin 发表于 2011-9-6 09:34
还有,我没有说清楚,我说的是 create pdp request, 不是activate pdp request。
多谢 版主的回复

  这个其实是个历史遗留问题,很早以前,29060规范规定,Create PDP Context Request消息里面是没有RAI这个可选IE的(即使可选,也没有)。知道R99的29.060 V3.15.0版本,是2002年11月提出来的。已经附上来了,可以打开后仔细阅读下。为什么要在Create PDP Context Request消息里加入RAI这个可选IE呢?当时的考虑主要是有两个原因,一个是希望在Gn接口信令中加入mnc和mcc的信息,来明确对用户内容的管制责任。二是希望能实现更加精确的计费。因此CN4在3GPP TSG CN WG4 17次会议(曼谷召开)上提出了“Enabling control of content served to subscribers based on their location”这个Change Request请求对规范进行修改,即在Create PDP Context Request消息中加入RAI这个可选IE。然后从2002年的V3.15.0开始到现在就一直没有变化过了。

Reason for change: 
GPRS network operators in most countries are required to operate within the legal constraints as set out in the operator's licence. Once such legal constraint is the nature of content that is permissible in certain countries. In order for network operators to obey the law regarding the nature of content, the network operator would have to inspect all packets (at the application level) and impose a mechanism to reject or allow packets. Network operators are unable to do this since GPRS is simply a bearer; SGSNs and GGSNs are not able to do packet inspection. This puts operators in a vulnerable position. Therefore the responsibility for content should be with the content provider and not the GPRS network operator.

Also, in an LS from SA2 (N4-021215, S2-022619), CN4 are asked to investigate the possibility of including the MCC and MNC of the location of where the MS is registered in messaging between SGSN and GGSN. This is to assist in the accurate charging for services provided to subscribers and is motivated by the LSs that SA2 received from T2, CPWP and BARG, which indicated problems with the implementation of integrated pricing structures without such additions.
Critical Correction

Summary of change:
The RAI information element is optionally added to the Create PDP Context Req and Update PDP Context Req, to provide to the GGSN the Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code of the SGSN in which the MS is registered.

Consequences if not approved:

Operators will not be able to comply with the law in those countries which impose restrictions on the content available to users of internet access. Also, the implementation of integrated service pricing will be at best inaccurate and at worst impossible, since there is no accurate mechanism provided for roaming awareness of the MS.
   现在看来,其实RAI这个IE作用不大,因为如果是为了计费目的的话,后来又新增加了User Location Inforamation IE这个GTP IE,包含了CGI/SAI/RAI这三种值。可以参考29060的7.7.51章节。

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www.gprshome.com: GPRS及移动通信技术学习交流分享平台。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9


发表于 2011-9-9 08:11:31 |只看该作者
回复 samsin 的帖子

  所以我们这里就探讨一下现网中的RA LA设置原则吧。我帮你在网上下载了一份WCDMA LA RA划分操作手册V1(20110218).doc。源文档来自于链接http://www.4gtec.cn/soft_show.asp?id=618。里面有提到LA RA的设置原则和建立为如下:
- 尽量依据现网合理的LA/RA区规划和优化,减少调整的工程量;
- 以现网的LA/RA/RNC边界为基础进行调整,保留合理的边界,尽量修正不合理的边界,根据网络配置及拓扑结构进行调整;
- 尽量避免LA/RA边界出现在话务密集区域和高速移动路段;
- 如果有LA/RA边界在铁路线或高速公路上,则LAC边界应垂直于铁路或高速公路;
- LA/RA区域要将插花现象排除;
- 高铁/地铁等快速移动的覆盖区域尽可能合并在一个LA/RA下;
- RA区域应小于等于LA区域
- LA区域不可跨MSC,RA区域不可跨PS核心网分布
- 划分后的LAC的寻呼量需要控制在合理值以下


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www.gprshome.com: GPRS及移动通信技术学习交流分享平台。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6


发表于 2011-10-4 19:00:04 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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