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6.11 签约用户数据管理功能 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9


发表于 2011-4-13 20:16:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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本帖最后由 爱卫生 于 2012-7-30 21:14 编辑

The Subscriber Management function provides a mechanism to inform the nodes about changes of the subscription data for a specific subscriber.
6.11.1 Subscriber Management Procedures
Whenever the GPRS subscription data is changed for a subscriber in the HLR/HSS, and the changes affect the GPRS subscription data stored in the SGSN, the SGSN node shall be informed about these changes by means of the following procedures:

- Insert Subscriber Data procedure, used to add or modify subscription data in the SGSN; or Delete Subscriber Data procedure, used to remove PS subscription data in the SGSN.
- Delete Subscriber Data procedure, used to remove subscription data from the SGSN.

- 插入签约用户数据流程,用于添加或修改在SGSN中的签约数据;或删除签约用户数据流程,用于移除在SGSN中的PS签约数据。
- 删除签约用户数据流程,用于移除在SGSN中的签约用户数据。 Insert Subscriber Data Procedure (插入用户签约数据流程)
  In addition to the insertion and modification of general subscription data for a PS subscriber, see TS 29.002 [23], the HLR may request the insertion or modification of one or several new or existing PDP subscription contexts in the SGSN. It should be noted that the modification may trigger a PDP Context Modification procedure as described in clause "Modification Procedures". In particular, the following PDP context parameters may be modified by the HLR:
- QoS Profile Subscribed;
- Subscribed Evolved ARP; and
- VPLMN Address Allowed.
The Insert Subscriber Data procedure is illustrated in Figure 48.

  需要额外了解一个PS签约用户的签约数据的通用性的添加和修改,可参考TS29.002,HLR可以请求在SGSN中一个或多个新的或已经存在的PDP签约上下文的插入或修改.应该注意到,如果是修改,则有可能触发一个PDP上下文修改流程,在"Modification Procedures"章节中描述.特别的,下面的PDP上下文参数可以由HLR修改;
- 签约的QOS profile;
- 签约的演进的ARP;以及
- 是否允许VPLMN(拜访地的PLMN)地址.

Figure 48: Insert Subscriber Data Procedure

1) The HLR sends an Insert Subscriber Data (IMSI, Subscription Data) message to the SGSN.

2) The SGSN updates its GPRS subscription data and acknowledges the Insert Subscriber Data message by returning an Insert Subscriber Data Ack (IMSI) message. For each PDP context that is included in Subscription Data the SGSN shall check whether it is a new, an active, or an inactive PDP context:

   For architecture variants using Gn/Gp based interaction with GGSN the PDP contexts are handled as follows:

-  For a new or inactive PDP context, no further action is required except storage in the SGSN.
-  For an active PDP context, the SGSN shall in addition compare the new QoS Subscribed with QoS Negotiated, new Subscribed Evolved ARP with the previously stored Subscribed Evolved ARP, respectively and shall, if necessary and MS is in the READY or PMM CONNECTED State, initiate a PDP Context Modification procedure as described in clause "Modification Procedures". If modification is necessary, when MS is not in the READY or PMM CONNECTED State, or the modification is not successful when MS is in the READY or PMM CONNECTED State, the SGSN shall directly delete the concerned PDP context(s).

-  对于一个新的或inactive的PDP上下文,除了存储在SGSN的数据外没有后续的行动要求.

-  对于一个active的PDP上下文,SGSN应额外将新的签约的QOS和协商的QOS进行对比,新的签约的演进ARP和之前存储的签约的演进ARP等。并且,如果有必要并且MS是在READY或PMM-CONNECTED状态,将发起一个PDP上下文修改流程(在章节"Modification Procedures")描述.如果修改是必要的,当MS不是在READY或PMM-CONNECTED状态,或者当MS在READY或PMM-CONNECTED状态下的修改不成功,SGSN应直接删除这些相关的PDP上下文。

PDP Context Modification due to changes in Subscribed Evolved ARP may be skipped if there is no previously stored value for Subscribed Evolved ARP.


-  For an MS in PMM-CONNECTED State and connected via a CSG or hybrid cell, the SGSN shall check the received CSG subscription data. If the SGSN detects that the UE's CSG membership to that cell has changed or expired, the SGSN initiates the procedure in clause
   For architecture variants using S4 based interaction with S GW and P GW, the PDP contexts are handled as follows:
-  For a new or inactive PDP context, no further action is required except storage in the SGSN.
-  For an active PDP context, the SGSN shall in addition compare the new QoS Subscribed with bearer QoS and shall, if necessary and MS is in the READY or PMM CONNECTED State, initiate a PDP Context Modification procedure as described in clause "Modification Procedures". If modification is necessary, when MS is not in the READY or PMM CONNECTED State, or the modification is not successful when MS is in the READY or PMM CONNECTED State:
- 对于一个PMM-CONNECTED状态的MS并通过一个CSG或混杂小区连接的,SGSN应检查接收到的CSG签约数据。如果SGSN检测到UE的关于这个小区的CSG成员关系变化或超时,SGSN应发起章节9.2.3.7提到的流程。


- 对于一个新或inactive的PDP上下文,除了存储在SGSN内的数据外,没有而外的行动要求。

- 对于一个active的PDP上下文,SGSN应额外将新的签约的QOS和的承载的QOS进行对比,如果有必要并且MS是在READY或PMM-CONNECTED状态,将发起一个PDP上下文修改流程(在章节"Modification Procedures")描述.如果修改是必要的,当MS不是在READY或PMM-CONNECTED状态,或者当MS在READY或PMM-CONNECTED状态下的修改不成功,那么:  

a) If ISR is activated when the next activity from MS is detected the S4-SGSN shall compare the stored updated subscription data with the existing data for that PDP context and initiate modification procedure.
b) If ISR is not activated, the SGSN shall directly delete the concerned PDP context.
-  For an MS in PMM-CONNECTED State and connected via a CSG or hybrid cell, the SGSN shall check the received CSG subscription data. If the SGSN detects that the UE's CSG membership to that cell has changed or expired, the SGSN initiates the procedure in clause
   Furthermore, if VPLMN Address Allowed is changed, the SGSN shall, if necessary (e.g., if the PDP context is currently routed via a GGSN in the VPLMN and VPLMN Address Allowed is changed to not allowed), initiate a PDP Context Deactivation procedure as explained in clause 9.2.4.

a) 如果ISR激活了,当从MS来的下一个活动时间检测到的时候,S4-SGSN应对比存储的更新的签约数据和已经存在的PDP上下文的数据,并发起修改流程。


- 对于处于PMM-CONNECTED状态的MS并通过一个CSG或混杂小区连接,SGSN应检查接收到的CSG签约数据。如果SGSN检测到UE的关于这个小区的CSG成员关系变化或超时,SGSN应发起章节9.2.3.7提到的流程。

  除此以外,如果"VPLMN地址允许"标识变化,SGSN应,如果有必要(例如.,如果PDP上下文当前正经过VPLMN的GGSN进行路由并且"VPLMN地址允许"标志变成了不允许),按照章节9.2.4提到的发起一个PDP上下文的去激活流程。 Delete Subscriber Data Procedure
In addition to the deletion of general subscription data for a subscriber, see TS 29.002 [23], the HLR may request the deletion of one or several PDP contexts from the SGSN.
The Delete Subscriber Data procedure is illustrated in Figure 49.

   详细的删除通用签约用户数据的流程,可参考TS29.002.HLR可以请求让SGSN删除一个或多个PDP上下文.Delete Subscriber Data流程由图例49描述。

Figure 49: Delete Subscriber Data Procedure

1) The HLR sends a Delete Subscriber Data (IMSI, PDP Context Identifiers List) message to the SGSN.
2) The SGSN acknowledges the Delete Subscriber Data message by returning a Delete Subscriber Data Ack (IMSI) message. For each PDP context identifier included in PDP Context Identifiers List, the SGSN shall check whether it belongs to an active or an inactive PDP context:
- For an inactive PDP context no further action is required except deletion of the PDP context.
- For an active PDP context, the SGSN shall initiate the PDP Context Deactivation Initiated by the SGSN procedure as explained in clause "Deactivation Procedures" before the PDP context is deleted.

1)HLR发送delete subscriber data(IMSI,PDP上下文ID列表)消息给SGSN.

2)SGSN返回一个Delete Subscriber Data Ack (IMSI)消息进行确认。对包含在PDP上下文列表当中的每一个PDP上下文ID,SGSN应检查是否属于一个active或inactive的PDP上下文:

- 对于一个inactive的PDP上下文,除了删除这个PDP上下文外,没有额外的行动要求。

- 对于一个active的PDP上下文,SGSN应在PDP上下文删除之前,发起由章节"Deactivation Procedures"所描述的SGSN发起的PDP上下文去激活流程。

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发表于 2011-4-14 23:57:41 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9


发表于 2011-4-15 10:34:24 |只看该作者
回复 Albert 的帖子

一 要我懂。否则我要去问别人。
二 我要能用电脑上网并且有时间。

www.gprshome.com: GPRS及移动通信技术学习交流分享平台。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2012-6-29 10:17:59 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2012-7-6 11:33:15 |只看该作者
爱总,您好!!!你能不能帮忙把用户的GPRS的签约信息全部列举一下。在PDP激活失败的原因值CC33 - Requested service option not subscribed ,通常说是用户的在request的上报的信息和签约信息不符。但是去看APN等信息,都是正常的。签约信息到底包含哪些啊??能不能给个全面的例子啊??

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2012-7-26 14:12:10 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2012-7-26 18:26:45 |只看该作者
zhengyufu 发表于 2012-7-6 11:33
爱总,您好!!!你能不能帮忙把用户的GPRS的签约信息全部列举一下。在PDP激活失败的原因值CC33 - Requeste ...



51学通信(www.51xuetongxin.com):致力打造最好的通信技术在线学习平台 。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 8


发表于 2012-9-26 11:06:08 |只看该作者
admin 发表于 2012-7-26 18:26
主要就那么几个,不会太多。包括签约的APN、是否开通GPRS业务、本地区域的接入限制、是否允许漫游、签约的 ...



admin  有的。在信令流程版块。有附着流程实例。带抓包文件的。可以去看看。  发表于 2012-9-26 12:57:26

使用道具 举报

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