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PDP上下文详解     [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-5-8 09:33:49 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
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Packet Data Protocol (PDP)   

  A Packet Data Protocol (PDP) context offers a packet data connection over which the UE and the network can exchange IP packets. Usage of these packet data connections is restricted to specific services. These services can be accessed via so-called access points.

  Packet Data Protocol Context is one of the most important concepts for the UMTS Packet Data Architecture.
  The PDP Context has a record of parameters, which consists of all the required information for establishing an end-to-end connection:
- PDP Type
- PDP address type
- QoS profile request (QoS parameters requested by user)
- QoS profile negotiated (QoS parameters negotiated by network)
- Authentication type (PAP or CHAP)
- DNS type (Dynamic DNS or Static DNS)
  The PDP Context is mainly designed for two purposes for the terminal.

  Firstly PDP Context is designed to allocate a Packet Data Protocol (PDP) address, either IP version 4 or IP version 6 type of address, to the mobile terminal.
  Secondly it is used to make a logical connection with QoS profiles, the set of QoS attributes negotiated for and utilized by one PDP context, through the UMTS network.
- PDP类型
- PDP地址类型
- 请求的QOS profile(用户请求的)
- 协商的QOS profile(和网络侧进行协商之后的)
- 鉴权类型(PAP或CHAP)
- DNS类型(动态或静态DNS)
  首先PDP上下文设计用于分配一个PDP地址,或者是IPV4或者是IPV6地址给一个终端。第二点用于决定一个到终端的带有QOS profile的逻辑连接,即为一个PDP上下文协商的一组贯穿整个UMTS网络都能得到执行的QOS profile。

Multiple PDP Context
  As mobile phones develop, there will be a need to serve parallel applications running on them with simultaneous PS calls. These PS calls can differ in their QoS (Quality of Service) parameters, and/or in the target network (PDN – Packet Data Network) to which they provide connection.
  Multiple PDP Contexts means that one mobile terminal can have multiple PDP contexts. Each of the Multiple PDP Contexts can at the same time have different QoS profiles. The primary PDP Context is a normal PDP Context with default QoS profile attributes and it is always activated first. For the multiple primary PDP Contexts, each context has different PDP Address and different APN
  Multiple PDP contexts will have special significance when IMS is introduced and all the services will be PS (IP) based. In an IMS based network the MS can (and will) activate separate PDP contexts for SIP based signaling and for all the sessions of different, eventually parallel services (e.g. parallel VoIP call and PS data call, etc.). A different QoS – which matches the application - will be used for each connection.
  The data flow (user plane) of a particular PDP context can terminate either in the Mobile Terminal (MT) itself or in the connected Terminal Equipment (TE) as shown in Figure below. The application for which the connection is provided is running either on the MT or on the TE respectively. An example for the first possibility is a video telephony client running on the mobile, for the second possibility a web browser running on the connected notebook.
  多PDP上下文也就是说一个移动终端可以存在多个PDP上下文。每个"多PDP上下文"在同一时刻可以有多个不同的QOS profile。其中,有一个具有缺省QOS profile属性的Primary PDP上下文作为一个正常的PDP上下文,总是将被第一个激活的。对于多个Primary PDP上下文,每个上下文都有不同的PDP地址和不同的APN。

  In IMS based systems it is expected that several embedded applications will run on the MT, requiring multiple PDP contexts. For the TE (e.g. connected PC) one additional PDP context may be also active.
Multiple PDP contexts have two sub-categories:
1 multiple primary PDP contexts: they provide connections to different PDNs
2 secondary PDP contexts: they provide connections to the same PDN but with different QoS

  1 多Primary PDP上下文:他们连接到不同的PDN;

  2 Secondary PDP上下文; 他们提供了到相同PDN的连接,但是具有不同的QOS   

Multiple Primary PDP Contexts
  Multiple primary PDP contexts are two or more PDP contexts independent from one another, each of them using one unique PDP address. They give the possibility to have simultaneous connections to different PDNs – e.g. to the internet for one application, while to a private network for another one.
  Beside the unique PDP address, each PDP context has its own QoS and NSAPI (Network Layer Service Access Point Identifier, see later) assigned. Each PDP context has a separate RAB (Radio Access Bearer) and GTP tunnel to transfer user plane data.
  The PDP contexts typically terminate in different access points on the network side (although it is allowed that they terminate in the same access point). The terminating access points can be located in the same or in different GGSNs.
  The example in Figure below shows the user plane path for three primary PDP contexts providing connections to three different PDNs:
   多Primary PDP上下文是在终端中存在两个或更多独立的PDP上下文,每一个上下文都有唯一的IP地址。他们提供了同时访问不同PDN网络的能力--例如一个应用是连接到Internet,另一个应用则连接到一个私有网络。



  下面的图例说明了有3个Primary PDP上下文的用户平面路径存在,并提供了到3个不同PDN的连接:

                                          图2:多Primary PDP上下文
  Primary PDP contexts can be activated or deactivated independently from one another. QoS of any of the active PDP contexts can be modified with the PDP context modification procedure initiated by the MS or by the network. (See Below for details)
   Primary PDP上下文可以互不受影响的单独激活。任何激活的PDP上下文的QOS可以通过由MS或网络侧发起的PDP上下文修改流程来发起。   

Secondary PDP Contexts
  A secondary PDP context is always associated with a primary PDP context. PDP address (IP address) and access point (AP) is re-used from the primary context. Hence the primary and the associated secondary PDP context provide connection to the same PDN with different guaranteed QoS.
  One primary PDP context might have multiple secondary contexts assigned. Each PDP context (i.e. the primary and all secondary) has its own RAB and GTP tunnel to transfer user plane data. Also, each context is identified by a unique NSAPI (Network Layer Service Access Point Identifier).
  The primary PDP context has to be active prior to activating an associated secondary PDP context. Any secondary PDP context can be deactivated while keeping the associated primary context (and eventual other secondary PDP contexts) active. If a primary PDP context is deactivated, this will also deactivate all the assigned secondary PDP contexts. QoS of any active primary or secondary PDP context can be modified with the PDP context modification procedure initiated by the MS or by the network. (See below for details)
  As the PDP address (IP address) is common for the primary and for (all) the associated secondary PDP contexts, the TFT (Traffic Flow Template) is introduced to route downlink user plane data into the correct GTP tunnel and hence into the correct RAB for each context.
  The example in Figure below shows the user plane for a primary and two associated secondary PDP contexts:

  一个Secondary PDP上下文总是和一个Primary PDP上下文关联的。PDP地址和接入点AP都是和Primary上下文一样的。因此Primary和关联的Secondary PDP上下文一起提供了到相同PDN的连接,但区别是具有不同的承诺QOS。

  一个Primary PDP上下文可能有多个分配的Secondary上下文。每个PDP上下文(也就是Primary和所有的Secondary)都有他们自己的RAB和GTP隧道来传输用户平面数据。并且,每个上下文都由唯一的NSAPI来识别。

  Primary PDP上下文必要要在关联的Secondary上下文激活之前激活。任何的Secondary PDP上下文可以在保持的Primary上下文处于active的状态下进行激活。如果一个Primary PDP上下文去激活了,那也将去激活所有分配关联的Secondary PDP上下文。任何active的primary或secondary PDP上下文的QOS都可以由MS或网络侧发起的PDP context modification流程来修改。

  由于PDP地址(IP地址)对Primary和所有关联的secondary PDP上下文来说都是公共的,因此要引入TFT(Traffic Flow Template)来讲下行的用户平面数据路由到正确的GTP隧道以及每个上下文正确的RAB。

  下面图例中的例子描述了一个Primary和两个关联的Secondary PDP上下文用户平面:

                                          图3:Secondary PDP上下文
  Combination of multiple primary PDP contexts and secondary PDP contexts is also possible. For example, two primaries with one secondary context for each will result in four active PDP contexts in total. The maximum number of supported PDP contexts is terminal dependent.
   将多个Primary PDP上下文和Secondary PDP上下文捆绑是有可能的。例如,两个各自带有secondary上下文的primary上下文就总共有4个active的上下文。支持的最大数量的PDP上下文和终端的实现有关。(最大11个,取决于NSAPI)

Traffic Flow Template (TFT)
  The Traffic Flow Template (TFT) is used by GGSN to discriminate between different user payloads. The TFT incorporates from one to eight packet filters; a unique packet filter identifier identifies each filter. Filtering can be based on one or more of the following filter attributes:
- Source address (with subnet mask)
- IPv4 protocol number
- Destination port range
- Source port range
- IPSec Security Parameter Index (SPI)
- Type of Service (TOS) (IPv4)
  The TFT is provided by the MS in the Activate Secondary PDP Context Request message, it is stored by the GGSN, and is examined when routing downlink user plane data. The TFT can be modified or deleted with the MS initiated PDP context modification procedure. A TFT may be also assigned to a primary PDP context by means of the MS initiated PDP context modification procedure.

  A TFT is built up from Packet Filters (minimum 1, maximum 8 of them) to provide flexibility in filtering. The relationship between PDP contexts, TFTs and Packet Filters is illustrated in Figure below:


- 源地址(和掩码)

- IPV4协议号

- 目标端口范围

- 源端口范围

- IPSec SPI(安全参数索引)

- TOS(IPV4包头中的)

  TFT由MS在Activate Secondary PDP Context Request消息中提供,并且存储在GGSN中,并且在路由下行用户平面数据包的时候检查。TFT可以由MS发起的PDP Context modification流程修改。



PDP context procedures
Primary PDP context activation
  This procedure is used to establish a logical connection with the Quality of Service (QoS) functionality through the network from the UE to the GGSN. PDP context activation is initiated by the UE and changes the session management state to active, creates the PDP context, receives the IP address and reserves radio resources. After a PDP context activation the UE is able to send IP packets over the air interface. The UE can have up to 11 PDP contexts active concurrently.
Secondary PDP context activation
  A secondary PDP context activation allows the subscriber to establish a second PDP context with the same IP address as the primary PDP context. The two contexts may have different QoS profiles, which makes the feature useful for applications that have different QoS requirements (e.g., IP multimedia). The access point name, though, will be the same for the primary and secondary PDP contexts.
PDP context modification
   The UE, the SGSN or the GGSN initiate this procedure for updating the corresponding PDP context. Additionally, the radio access network is able to request a PDP context modification from the SGSN (e.g., when coverage to the UE has been lost). The procedures modify parameters that were negotiated during an activation procedure for one or several PDP contexts.
PDP context deactivation
  This procedure is used to delete a particular logical connection between the UE and the GGSN. The initiative to deactivate a PDP context can come from the UE, the SGSN, the Home Location Register (HLR) or the GGSN.

Primary PDP context激活


Secondary PDP context激活

  secondary PDP上下文用来允许签约用户能够建立第二个并且和primary PDP上下文具有相同地址的上下文。这两个上下文可以有不同的QOS profile,这样来满足不同引用的需要(例如IP多媒体)。接入点的名字也和关联的Primary PDP上下文是一样的。

PDP context修改


PDP context去激活



Access points
  Access points can be understood as IP routers that provide the connection between the UE and the selected service. Examples of such services are:
- Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS);
- Wireless Application Protocol (WAP);
- direct Internet access;
- IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS).
  Depending on the operator of the network, more than one of these services might be provided by the same access point. The UE needs to be aware of an Access Point Name (APN) – the address of a GGSN – which gives access to the service-providing entity (e.g., an MMSC, the Internet or the P-CSCF). One GGSN may provide different services that can be accessed by different APNs.

  When establishing a primary PDP context with an APN the UE receives an IP address or – in the case of IPv6 – an IPv6 prefix that it has to use when communicating over that PDP context. This means that when a UE has established several connections to different APNs the UE will have different IP addresses for each of the provided services.

- MMS(彩信)
- 直接的Internet访问
- IMS(多媒体子系统)
  取决于网络的运营商,可能会在相同的接入点部署多种服务。UE需要识别出APN(接入点名称)- GGSN的地址 - 为服务提供接入的实体(例如彩信的MMSC,Internet的HTTP Server或者IMS中的P-CSCF)。一个GGSN可以提供由不同APN来接入的不同的服务。
  当在APN中建立一个primary PDP上下文时,UE接收到一个IP地址或---如果是IPV6的网络--将接收到一个IPV6前缀用于这个PDP上下文的通信。这意味着当UE想访问不同APN提供的服务时,将需要建立多个不同的连接,并且需要使用不同的IP地址进行访问。

[1] The IMS: IP Multimedia Concepts and Services, Second Edition Miikka Poikselk?, Georg Mayer, Hisham Khartabil and Aki Niemi
[2] Multiple PDP Contexts in UMTS - ESG Group, Qualcomm
[3] 3GPP TS 23.060: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description"
[4] 3GPP TS 24.008: "Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification; Core Network Protocols"
[5] What are Secondary PDP Contexts Good For? - Martins Mobile Technology Blog
[6] Using Traffic Flow Templates (TFTs) on BGAN - Inmarsat

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发表于 2014-6-4 08:43:30 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2013-8-1 20:18:54 |只看该作者
zzz 发表于 2013-7-27 21:50
对于Multiple Primary PDP Contexts 这种情况,总觉得一个手机同一时刻有多个IP地址不大好理解。在安卓系统 ...


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2013-7-27 21:50:40 |只看该作者
对于Multiple Primary PDP Contexts 这种情况,总觉得一个手机同一时刻有多个IP地址不大好理解。在安卓系统上通过软件查看手机的IP地址,只有一个呀,要是有抓包文件对应看一下就好了。


admin  还有一些行业用户。安卓这种是大众用户。比如一些黑莓的用户,需要同时访问internet和黑莓的邮件,这就是两个APN。只是打个比方啦~  发表于 2013-7-29 20:40:39

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2013-1-24 19:06:27 |只看该作者
答案在23.060 13.2节:

> For  each active PDN connection with S‑GW (using S4):

Default bearer

Identifies the NSAPI of the default bearer,  corresponding to the PDP context which was first established within the given  PDN connection.




wenliu  这个学习到了  发表于 2013-1-25 13:11:07
hycl5410  看到这样精彩的讨论真高兴  发表于 2013-1-24 22:39:05

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2013-1-24 16:57:26 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ithinc 于 2013-1-24 19:04 编辑
wenliu 发表于 2013-1-24 14:16
翻了一下29060 和 23401 ,这个default Beaer ID 认定分情况。不过感觉的确 GPRS这边 Primay 和2nd 这两者是 ...
对于GTPV1 和GTPV2 , SGSN -> MME Forward Relocation Req消息来讲:

使用S3 Interface的时候, Forward Relocation Request 消息中已经标出 Link EPS Bearer ID的 header ,所以随后Modify Bearer Resp中这个header是可以不带的。(但是GPRS 使用SGSN-SGW-PGW 的时候,不晓得这种情况下面的primay 和2nd 和使用SGSN-GGSN 下NSAPI 的Primary,secondary有没有区别)。

但是使用Gn interface, GTPV1的Forward Relocation Req消息中: 没有能直接给出有关NSAPI ,Linked NSAPI 和EBI 之间的绑定关系。
可能会根据Signallig Priority Indication with NSAPI来影响后面PGW的决定(MME 这时候不应该参与吧,毕竟用户面的是事情,MME作为接受方,这时候应该尽量维持住,由PGW根据和PCRF之间的Policy来决定,并根据优先级来选定default Bearer)。

S3 Interface应该是S4-SGSN才用,S4-SGSN是有default bearer概念的。
Gn Interface的GTPv1 Forward Relocation Req消息中每个PDP Context都带有PDP Address和APN,每一对PDP Address和APN是可以唯一标记一条PDN Connection的。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2013-1-24 16:53:19 |只看该作者
Gn/Gp SGSN handover MME时,GTPv1的Forward Relocation Request消息中若干个PDP Context之间并没有Linked关系,应该只是通过PDP Address来识别是否同一个PDN吧?

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2013-1-24 14:43:24 |只看该作者
29.060中Secondary PDP Context Activation Procedure:
Linked NSAPI indicates the NSAPI assigned to any one of the already activated PDP contexts for this PDP address or two IP addresses and APN.


wenliu  这个在SGSN Gn/GP handover MME 时候,在Forward Location 消息中,并没有用LINKED NASPI header去标示。  发表于 2013-1-24 16:00:36

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

版主 特殊贡献奖

发表于 2013-1-24 14:16:50 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 wenliu 于 2013-1-24 15:59 编辑

翻了一下29060 和 23401 ,这个default Beaer ID 认定分情况。不过感觉的确 GPRS这边 Primay 和2nd 这两者是的确同等对待。而LTE 中default 和dedicated 区别的更明显。、

对于GTPV1 和GTPV2 , SGSN -> MME Forward Relocation Req消息来讲:

使用S3 Interface的时候, Forward Relocation Request 消息中已经标出 Link EPS Bearer ID的 header ,所以随后Modify Bearer Resp中这个header是可以不带的。(但是GPRS 使用SGSN-SGW-PGW 的时候,不晓得这种情况下面的primay 和2nd 和使用SGSN-GGSN 下NSAPI 的Primary,secondary有没有区别)。

但是使用Gn interface, GTPV1的Forward Relocation Req消息中: 没有能直接给出有关NSAPI ,Linked NSAPI 和EBI 之间的绑定关系。
可能会根据Signallig Priority Indication with NSAPI来影响后面PGW的决定(MME 这时候不应该参与吧,毕竟用户面的是事情,MME作为接受方,这时候应该尽量维持住,由PGW根据和PCRF之间的Policy来决定,并根据优先级来选定default Bearer)。

不过这样看来,GPRS这边的Primary 和 secondary 地位的确一致。并且29060 在描述delete PDP context 的时候,也需要用Teardown Ind来决定是否能够全部释放去同一个PDN 的链接,而不是通过NSAPI来区分。
这样的话,如果不带Teardown Ind,而只带NSAPI,那么Primary删除,应该不会影响到secondary。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2013-1-24 12:47:33 |只看该作者
wenliu 发表于 2013-1-24 10:51
”有一个证据就是从3G切换到LTE时,PGW会选定一个default bearer并下发到SGW/MME“


Table 7.2.8-1:Information Elements in a Modify Bearer Response


Information elements



Condition / Comment

IE Type












This IE shall be included on S5/S8 interfaces  by the PGW if it is stored in its UE context and if this message is triggered  due to TAU/RAU/HO with SGW relocation.




Linked EPS  Bearer ID



This IE shall be  sent on S5/S8 when the UE moves from a Gn/Gp SGSN to the S4 SGSN or MME to  identify the default bearer the PGW selects for the PDN Connection.


This IE shall also be sent by SGW on S11, S4  during Gn/Gp SGSN to S4-SGSN/MME HO procedures to identify the default bearer  the PGW selects for the PDN Connection.



这个LBI就是PGW选定的default bearer ID。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

版主 特殊贡献奖

发表于 2013-1-24 10:51:28 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 wenliu 于 2013-1-24 11:16 编辑
ithinc 发表于 2013-1-24 10:23
楼主,这段文字是从哪儿来的?有另一种说法是PDP Context并不区分Primary与Secondary,Primary/Secondary ...

”有一个证据就是从3G切换到LTE时,PGW会选定一个default bearer下发到SGW/MME“

PGW 怎么会选择那条是default 那条是 dedicated 呢。之前LTE attach 中, default 和dedicated 的bearer区分也是从签约数据或者通过PCRF 来推送的。


23401  Source SGSN Forward Relcation Req -> MME 的时候,带上了:
PDN Connections, SGSN Tunnel Endpoint Identifier for Control Plane, SGSN Address for Control plane,

人刚我柔谓之走,我顺人背谓之粘。动急则急应,动缓则缓随。虽变化万端, 而理为一贯。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2013-1-24 10:23:00 |只看该作者
Multiple Primary PDP Contexts
  Multiple primary PDP contexts are two or more PDP contexts independent from one another, each of them using one unique PDP address. They give the possibility to have simultaneous connections to different PDNs – e.g. to the internet for one application, while to a private network for another one.

楼主,这段文字是从哪儿来的?有另一种说法是PDP Context并不区分Primary与SecondaryPrimary/Secondary只是修饰PDP Context Activation,创建完成后两个PDP Context是同等地位的。有一个证据就是从3G切换到LTE时,PGW会选定一个default bearer下发到SGW/MME

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2013-1-24 10:16:02 |只看该作者
samsin 发表于 2011-10-18 21:17
1、pdp2 的linked ti i是 primary pdp, pdp3的linked ti是pdp2, 那 ...
2、个人认为:primary pdp和诸secondary pdp只有创建的时候有区别,一旦建立过后,是独立被管理的啊。


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2Rank: 2

发表于 2013-1-24 10:13:48 |只看该作者
samsin 发表于 2011-10-6 21:18
首先看了楼主的介绍之后,把所有相关协议的PDP状态部分,都放在一起,应该把PD状态 ...
3、第二个secondaryPDP就可以不带TFT,让linked PDP2,但必须有Qos。(pdp3)


使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

版主 特殊贡献奖

发表于 2012-12-19 16:05:50 |只看该作者
horizon3 发表于 2012-12-2 23:41
如果我打开了一个网页,创建了一个PRIMARY PDP,然后打开一个视频播放,创建了secondary pdp。如果我关闭了 ...

之前我也看到了这个贴子, 针对这个Primary PDP去激活,2nd PDP还能使用的情况,总觉得不可理解。因为Primay PDP维护了IP的分配。如果将维护IP分配的链路都删除了,那2nd PDP这种是为了应用而存在的,应该也被默认释放了。

而且如果2nd PDP取代了Primary PDP,那么因为TFT的存在,用户等于很多对当前APN的默认应用都无法实现了。因此用2nd PDP取代1st PDP的情况在现实中应该毫无意义。


爱卫生  是的。确实不好理解。但规范就是这么规定的,徒之奈何?要不wen兄写个3GPP CR提交下,我绝对支持。  发表于 2012-12-19 22:50:04
人刚我柔谓之走,我顺人背谓之粘。动急则急应,动缓则缓随。虽变化万端, 而理为一贯。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

版主 特殊贡献奖

发表于 2012-12-19 15:35:13 |只看该作者
爱卫生 发表于 2012-2-22 15:56
回复 xray1111 的帖子

1 我想问一个和应用有关的问题:假如一个用户通过手机上网浏览网页,打开一个页面后 ...

我觉得是对等双方在为上层应用提供底层连接所必须的参数(这边可能使用QOS)协商一致的情况下所建立的对话通道。 这个通道由SGSN/GGSN来建立,维护和拆除。

人刚我柔谓之走,我顺人背谓之粘。动急则急应,动缓则缓随。虽变化万端, 而理为一贯。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-12-19 12:04:09 |只看该作者
worldwind 发表于 2011-12-16 00:37
1、先后观看了例如优酷上面的两个视频,此时会创建几 ...

<img src="static/image/smiley/comcom/3.gif" class="vm">

使用道具 举报

Rank: 8

发表于 2012-12-2 23:41:03 |只看该作者
如果我打开了一个网页,创建了一个PRIMARY PDP,然后打开一个视频播放,创建了secondary pdp。如果我关闭了网页,也就是PRIMARY PDP被关闭了,按照要求secondary pdp也要被关闭,这样不是视频播放也自动被关闭了。这明显不合理。


爱卫生  secondry pdp虽然要和primary pdp共享很多东西,但在去激活的时候却可以分开独立的去激活,互不影响。有个帖子讨论过这个问题,但一下子找不到了。也就是说primary pdp去激活了,secondary还可以继续。  发表于 2012-12-3 19:24:25

使用道具 举报

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