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针对Service Request消息的正确应答的声明 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-10-1 18:58:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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  在TS24.008中,关于Service Request消息的正确应答,在V3.5版本做了更新。之前的有不正确的地方。

Title:  Clarification of response handling of Service Request
Source:  Siemens AG
Work item code:  GPRS

Reason for change:The decision was taken that security mode control procedure is the only valid
positive response on SERVICE REQUEST in PMM-IDLE and SERVICE ACCEPT is the only valid positive response in mode PMM-CONNECTED.
  The description for MS is clarified as far as the action is concerned which has to be taken after receiving response.


If the SERVICE REQUEST message was sent in PMM-IDLE mode, the indication from the lower layers that the
security mode control procedure is completed (删除了or reception of a SERVICE ACCEPT message), shall be treated as a successful completion of the procedure. The timer T3317 shall be stopped, and the MS enters GMM-REGISTERED state and PMM-CONNECTED mode.
If the SERVICE REQUEST message was sent in PMM-CONNECTED mode, then the reception of the SERVICE
ACCEPT message shall be treated as a successful completion of the procedure. The timer T3317 shall be stopped
and the MS remains in PMM-CONNECTED mode.

   从上述文字规范了在PMM-IDLE状态和PMM-CONNECTED状态下发送Service Request消息,收到的正确的Response是不同的,或者说UE认为Service Request流程成功完成的标志是不同的。如果是在PMM-IDLE状态下发送Service Request消息,那正确的应答应该是接收到来自低层的一个指示,通知上层安全模式控制流程已经完成,收到这个指示,高层则明白Service Request流程已经正确完成了。
  而如果在PMM-CONNECTED状态下的UE发送Service Request消息,那正确的Response应该是一个Service Accept消息。这是一个显示的通知消息。
  这样做的目的,我个人觉得是因为前者在PMM-IDLE状态发Service Request通常是重建Iu连接或对Paging的应答,因此为了减少数据传递的延迟,可以由核心网发起安全模式的建立来作为隐式的应答。而在PMM-CONNECTED状态的UE发送Service Request消息,通常是为了将一个或多个RAB重新激活,因为这个UE可能剪了了多个RAB,因为RAB和PDP上下文是一一对应的。那可能只有一个是激活的,剩下的其他RAB可能处于inactive的状态,但因为有一个RAB是活的,所以UE仍处于PMM-CONNECTED状态。所以这时如果UE发送了Service Request消息,则需要核心网明确的告知自己到底哪几个RAB已经激活,哪几个没有激活。否则UE是不清楚的,因此就没办法完成将数据映射到RAB的工作了。
   本Change Request可以通过下列地址下载ftp://ftp.3gpp.org/tsg_cn/TSG_CN/TSGN_10/Docs/PDF/NP-000670.pdf 。搜索Tdoc N1-001368。这个是本CR的文档编号。
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