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为什么规范中"MS可以限制N-PDU最大大小"这句话被删除了? [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-8-21 17:02:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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“The PDP PDUs shall be routed and transferred between the MS and the GGSN as N PDUs. In case of PDP type PPP, the maximum size of each N PDU shall be 1 502 octets. In other cases, the maximum size of each N PDU shall be 1 500 octets. When the MS or the GGSN receives a PDP PDU that results in an N PDU that is not larger than the maximum N PDU size, the PDP PDU shall be routed and transferred as one N PDU. When the MS or the GGSN receives a PDP PDU that results in an N PDU that is larger than the maximum N PDU size, the PDP PDU shall be segmented, discarded or rejected, depending on the PDP type and the implementation. The packet data protocol in the MS may limit the maximum size of the PDP PDUs that are routed and transferred, e.g. due to MS memory limitations.”
"The PDP PDUs shall be routed and transferred between the MS and the GGSN as N PDUs. In case of PDP type PPP, the maximum size of each N PDU shall be 1 502 octets. In other cases, the maximum size of each N PDU shall be 1 500 octets. When the MS or the GGSN receives a PDP PDU that results in an N PDU that is not larger than the maximum N PDU size, the PDP PDU shall be routed and transferred as one N PDU. When the MS or the GGSN receives a PDP PDU that results in an N PDU that is larger than the maximum N PDU size, the PDP PDU shall be segmented, discarded or rejected, depending on the PDP type and the implementation."
   红色部分的The packet data protocol in the MS may limit the maximum size of the PDP PDUs that are routed and transferred, e.g. due to MS memory limitations这句话被删除了。为什么呢?
  因为在2003年4月12日到5月16日在美国圣地亚哥举行的3GPP TSG-SA WG2会议上,爱立信提出了一个Change Request,提出了对上述这句话的质疑,后面3GPP审核通过后,就将这句话删除了。
  这个CR编号为432,对应的文档编号为S2-032081。收录在SP-030343 (CRs on TS 23.060(PS domain Stage 2)).doc中。可以直接在Google中搜索“SP-030343 (CRs on TS 23.060(PS domain Stage 2)).doc",下载第一个链接得到SP-030343.pdf就包含了S2-032081对应我们这篇帖子提到的CR432。




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发表于 2013-9-3 08:20:40 |只看该作者

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