对于第一种用户激活多个相同APN的情况,我查了下规范。应该是这段,在TS24.008(我看的V10.3.0版本)的6.1.3 会话管理流程的6. Abnormal Cases里定义了在做PDP上下文激活,a-f共6种异常情况,并定义了网络侧和UE在这些异常情况下应该怎样去处理。这里的情况应该是c):摘过来如下:
“c) MS initiated PDP context activation request for an already activated PDP context (on the network side)
i) If the network receives a ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT REQUEST message with the same combination of APN, PDP type and PDP address as an already activated PDP context, the network shall deactivate the existing PDP context and, if any, all the linked PDP contexts (matching the combination of APN, PDP type and PDP address), locally without notification to the MS and proceed with the requested PDP context activation.”
简单来说,就是当网络侧收到ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT REQUEST消息时,如果发现已经有一个激活的PDP上下文和这个新请求的APN、PDP类型和PDP地址相同的话,网络侧应该将已经建立的PDP上下文去激活,并且默默的完成新PDP上下文的建立过程,并且不会给MS任何通知。
i) If the network receives a ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT REQUEST message with the same combination of APN, PDP type and PDP address as an already activated PDP context, the network shall deactivate the existing PDP context and, if any, all the linked PDP contexts (matching the combination of APN, PDP type and PDP address), locally without notification to the MS and proceed with the requested PDP context activation.
ii) Alternatively (different combination of APN, PDP type and PDP address), if the NSAPI matches that of an already activated PDP context, then the network shall deactivate only the existing PDP context locally without notification to the MS and proceed with the requested PDP context activation.
在实际工作中第2.cap没遇到过,1.cap经常遇到,多数是智能手机,并可以模拟出来,方法是手机连接PC,手机上网,PC用过AT命令激活第二个PDP。当时的经验就是TIO是不同的,相当然的认为是TIO区分了SM,看了规范觉得认知是错误的,谢谢指正。 作者: jayslkidd 时间: 2011-10-13 16:42:42