仔细看了一下24.301协议的描述,说UE还会在NAS消息 PDN connectivity request消息中,将ESM information transfer flag 设置为1,并带上请求的APN。如果在PDN connectivity request中没有带上APN,在MME收到UE的attach request后,会发起ESM information request procedure去向UE取APN;然后完成attach procedure的其他步骤。 作者: chanmao83 时间: 2012-4-17 07:45:04
解决了我的疑问 多谢斑竹
我在epc的attach req消息中的确没有看到APN。
对于attach的第6步(也就是鉴权成功以后)是 PCO requet
3GPP 23401里面的解释是
Protocol Configuration Options (PCO) are used to transfer parameters between the UE and the PDN GW, and are sent transparently through the MME and the Serving GW. The Protocol Configuration Options may include the Address Allocation Preference indicating that the UE prefers to obtain an IPv4 address only after the default bearer activation by means of DHCPv4. If the UE intends to send PCO which require ciphering (e.g., PAP/CHAP usernames and passwords) or send an APN, or both, the UE shall set the Ciphered Options Transfer Flag and send PCO or APN or both only after authentication and NAS security setup have been completed (see below).
作者: zzz 时间: 2013-7-23 22:32:51
通俗易懂,印象深刻呀作者: m8502055 时间: 2013-10-18 23:08:12
感謝說明Ciphered Options Transfer Flag参数作者: yufengchang 时间: 2014-1-8 11:44:53