按照规范的解释:”- Instance: This field shall be used to differentiate amongst different parameters in one specific message which use the same information element type (see also subclause 6.1.3 "Information Element Instance").An IE is said to be TLIV (Type, Length, Instance, Value) encoded.“
可以看到,在GTPV2消息,比如常见的create session request/response消息里,都会包含instance这个字段。因为GTPV2的编码格式不是TLV,而是TLIV,多了个instance。用于标识同一种类型消息的多个实例。大部分消息字段的instance ID都为0。有例外的就是在create session response消息里通常会分配多个接口的GTP TEID,类型都是TEID,所以需要用instance来区分,一个是0,一个是1。
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